Hydration Stabilizers

Hydration Stabilizers

A Stabilizer is recommended for use in all types of concrete where moderate to extended retardation of set time and improved performance are desired. This admixture improves pumped concrete, shotcrete (wet mix) and conventionally-placed concretes. It improves plain, reinforced, precast, prestressed, lightweight and normal weight concrete.

Primary Applications for use of a Stabilizer:

  • Stabilization of concrete washwater
  • Stabilization of returned plastic concrete
  • Stabilization of freshly batched concrete for long hauls

Stabilizers will not initiate or promote corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete.

The set-retarding characteristics of a Stabilizer aid in the production of concrete with the following special qualities:

  • Improved workability
  • Reduced segregation
  • Superior finishing characteristics for flatwork and cast surfaces
  • Moderate to extended retardation depending on the dosage rate used
  • Provides flexibility in the scheduling of placing and finishing operations
  • Offsets the effects of slump loss during extended delays between mixing and placing
  • Helps eliminate cold joints
  • Allows for dead-load deflection to take place (before concrete sets) in extended pours for bridge decks, cantilevers, nonshored structural elements, etc.
  • Effective as a singular admixture
  • Reduces waste associated with concrete washwater and returned concrete