Insulated Concrete Forms

Insulated Concrete Forms

Fox Blocks ICF are stay-in-place concrete forms for poured concrete walls and foundations. They are left in-place to create a double layer of insulation around your entire home. And as a result, all your exterior walls have two layers of EPS Foam wrapped around a concrete core, which provides you with superior comfort, strength, and value.

Because Fox Blocks wraps your home in a continuous layer of foam insulation you have much less air infiltration and fewer drafts than a conventional frame house. The solid concrete core of a Fox Blocks wall also stabilizes the temperature in your home because of its thermal mass, so you enjoy more constant temperatures, throughout the day. With its high R-values, low air infiltration, and high thermal mass, you can save up to 50% of energy costs compared to conventional construction, and your overall operating and maintenance costs will be much lower.

We chose Fox Blocks because they are the leader in ICF design, product testing, and building code approval. The patented exposed web and full line of specialty forms have kept them in the lead.

The insulating capacity of expanded polystyrene coupled with the structural integrity of reinforced concrete is a powerful combination – it makes Fox Blocks walls stronger, safer, quieter, and energy efficient.